
The Collaborative Special 教育 program prepares undergraduate and graduate students to work in general and special education settings with children and young adults who have varying ranges of exceptionalities. 我们的学生一起上课, 完成大量的合作任务, 举办活动, and complete field experiences within their courses in local classrooms. Students are actively engaged in the surrounding schools and communities to assist in providing additional support and resources to individuals with exceptionalities. Our goal is to ensure that UNA provides high-quality experiences that will best prepare students for life in the classroom.


View the video from our first 非常特别的艺术节 using the link below:


One of the most popular events that the Collaborative Special 教育 Program organizes is the 非常特别的艺术节 (VSAF). The VSAF is a one-of-a-kind event that celebrates art and discovery. Intended for students with diverse abilities and artistic skills, the festival provides an opportunity for students to experience multiple art forms. 事件, designed for K-12 students with exceptional learning needs, 从佛罗伦萨, 劳德黛尔县, 肌肉群, 科尔伯特县, 谢菲尔德, 拉塞尔维尔, 富兰克林县, Decatur City Schools and Tuscumbia School Systems, will provide art activities in four areas: visual art, 音乐, 表现和感官发现. This will be the third year that the Collaborative Special 教育 Program will be planning this amazing event. Previous sponsors include Listerhill Credit Union, 银行独立, 浅滩少年联盟, 图斯坎比亚城市公园和娱乐中心, 肌肉浅滩娱乐中心. 事件 has been hosted by various UNA student organizations such as COEHS Ambassadors, Kappa Delta Pi荣誉协会, 和基础教育课程.





The photos above show a small glimpse into this inclusive and fun event hosted by the Collaborative Special 教育 Program. 所有的辛勤工作, 奉献, and time that goes into planning and setting up this event is worth it to see the smiles on all of the students’ faces!

Collaborative 教育 Service Organization (CESO)

The Collaborative 教育 Service Organization (CESO) exists to perform community service and advocate for students with disabilities locally and throughout the state. 2018年1月, Lion Buddies was created to provide individuals with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18-29 the opportunity to be included in our campus community. Similar programs in the local area are not currently serving the participants in this program. The Lion Buddies helps our participants form meaningful friendships with their peers, 提高他们的沟通技巧, 促进维护自己的权利, 并帮助他们感受到社会的重视. CESO负责规划, 组织, and hosting events for the Lion Buddies organization. The CESO tries to plan one event a month for the Lion Buddies. A few examples of Lion Buddies events are the Ice Cream Social, 游戏之夜, 电影之夜, 感恩节的聚餐, 圣诞晚会, 和安培的艺术.



One of the most well-known events that the CESO hosts is Art at the Amp. Art at the Amp is hosted on UNA’s campus at the amphitheater during the spring semester, and it is open to all UNA students and faculty. This event promotes a stress-free environment full of fun painting activities. 桌子上摆着帆布, 画笔, and lots of paint to allow students to express their creativity! CESO extends an invitation to the Lion Buddies and encourages them to participate and socialize with UNA students.






The 咆哮生活技能课程 is currently a pilot program at UNA. These classes serve young adults with intellectual disabilities between the ages of 18-29. The Collaborative 教育 Graduate Assistant, Laiken曼, teaches these classes. The 咆哮生活技能课程 aim to improve social communication and basic life skills. The goal of these classes is to help young adults with disabilities gain more independence and self-advocacy skills.

目前, the 咆哮生活技能课程 has four participants. Each of these young adults are working on skills to improve their independence. There are two classes that these students participate in. The first class is called Social Communication. 在这个课堂上 students practice social skills and partake in social scenarios that they would typically experience outside of the classroom. 第二门课叫做“个人理财”. 在这个课堂上, students practice their skills with ordering food, 买食品杂货, 管理他们有多少钱.





The Peer Mentor Program takes place within the 咆哮生活技能课程. 目前, there are three Peer Mentors that work alongside the participants and help them in any way. 这些同伴导师帮助收集数据, reinforce skills and concepts on a personal level, and work diligently to ensure each student learns in their own way. Without the Peer Mentors, the 咆哮生活技能课程 would not be the same!

